our certifications
Quality management

Our quality management and continuous improvement policy is part of the company’s general development policy.
The company was first certified in 2002 (ISO 9001:2000), then in 2009 (ISO 9001:2008) and finally in 2017 (ISO 9001:2015).
Internal procedures and work instructions have been written in accordance with our quality manual and have been communicated to all staff who must comply with them.
We evaluate (non-exhaustive list):
The quality of information on the progress of operations,
The respect of deadlines,
Compliance with regulations and safety,
The proposed price level,
Transport security.

AEO Authorized Economic Operator
AEO certification is an approval given by the customs administration, after an audit has been carried out, to identify safe and reliable operators throughout the supply chain. These operators are companies established within the European Union and carrying out an activity related to international trade.
This trustmark simplifies international trade and provides better security for the flow of goods into and out of the European Union.
Issued by customs, AEO certification is recognized throughout the European Union and in countries that have signed mutual recognition agreements.
Transports DUBOC obtained the AEO certification “Safety and Security” on March 18, 2010 recognizing its reliability within the international supply chain. The company is applying for the full AEO (customs simplification and security and safety).

(Container-Trucking Security Requirements)
Level 1
In April 2018, the company was awarded a C-TSR Level 1 compliance certification at the biannual conference of the TAPA association (Transported Asset Protection Association).
C-TSR is a security reference system adapted to the road transport of maritime containers.
8 Avenue Marcel Le Mignot